A Word for the Fifth Edition.... |
Preface to the British Editions |
Preface to the American Editions |
Acknowledgments |
New nation from old ones The Vatican frowns on the birth of Yugoslavia - Catholic policy of penetration and disintegration - Croat Separatism and the Catholic Church - Catholic storm troopers - The Ustashi. |
The year of political assassinations The murder of a Chancellor, of a Foreign Minister and of a King. |
The birth of a monster: the independent Catholic State of Croatia Catholic crusaders turn into Storm Troopers - A Catholic Gestapo - How a puppet King was made - A Fascist delegation to the Pope - Ante Pavelic and Pius XII plan a secret campaign. |
The nightmare of a nation The Archbishop and Bishops support a Catholic Dictator - "We have three million bullets." - Catholic concentration camps for children - Orders: "Cremate people alive." |
The triumph of terrorism Punitive expeditions - The pattern of mass executions - The Franciscan pupil who cut the throats of 1,360 prisoners - Pushed alive into their graves - Orthodox Serbs crucified - Eyes torn from their sockets. |
"Christ and the Ustashi march together." Catholic priests and friars lead Ustashi bands - Franciscan padres as bandits - Catholic fathers as Ustashi storm troopers - Archbishop Stepinac issues a pastoral letter - Catholic padres as Ustashi commissars. |
Catholic friars, priests, executioners, bishops and murderers Orthodox clergy murdered - The Canon with the bull whip - Catholic persuasion and bayonets - Certificates of honesty for re-Christening in the Catholic Church - Conversion or death - "He converted six thousand persons." - A Franciscan monster: Father Filipovic. |
The true inspirer, promoter and executor of the religious massacre: the Vatican Catholic Bishops advocate "forcible conversions." - Archbishop Stepinac, Supreme Apostolic Vicar of the Ustashi Army - Forcible conversion legalized - Forcible conversion for the "lost souls" of Orthodox children - The Catholic Church's directives for forcible conversions - Pope Pius XII blesses Pavelic and his Ustashi. |
Catholic campaign of denial, smear and falsification How the First News reached the outside world - Dr. Sekulich and the "Gestapo." - A Catholic liar at the White House - Winston Churchill issues a writ - What Mrs. Roosevelt said - "I write to save my soul." - The Archbishop's answer: "I have forwarded everything to the Vatican." |
The Pope, Stepinac and Pavelic try to save Croatia They ask the "right Allies" for guns - Archbishop Stepinac is promoted head of the Ustashi Government - Ante Pavelic hides inside the Vatican - Stepinac, Cardinal Mindszenty and Pius XII prepare for a new war. |
The Catholic church prepares for the future The Pope pigeon-holes a Bishop's memorandum, promotes a phony religious campaign - Stepinac is arrested and imprisoned - The World Press whitewash the Ustashi horror - The Ustashi Army are resurrected abroad - Pavelic forms a new Ustashi Government. Makes ready for "The Day." |
The Vatican and the USA as the defenders of the Fascist criminals of World War II The Vatican and the USA as the protectors of the Croatian war criminals - The Vatican becomes their refuge - Falsifications of passports - Fake identities "made in Rome." - Secret Vatican-USA instructions to "validate" them. |
The Vatican, the Mafia and the USA. Why they enlisted war criminals, Stalin and one third of Europe The Mafia recruited by the Vatican and the USA - The Mafia helps the Vatican save tons of holy silver - Why the Vatican and the USA enlisted war criminals - The menace of Soviet Russia - Stalin swallows up one-third of Europe - The Vatican-USA secret Alliance to stop him. |
The USA and the Vatican's secret plan to rescue war criminals American and World Jewish reaction - The Jews are mobilized against the State Department and the Pope - The State Department and the Vatican are scared - They adopt a policy of "maximum prudence." - The USA by-passed Jewish vigilance, by massive equivocal legislation - Official classification of evidence - Estimated 10,000 Nazi collaborators still in the USA. |
The Vatican saves the Catholic war criminals of Croatia - Roman monasteries as their asylums -The Croatian Holocaust minimized The Pope saves a top war criminal from execution - The Nuns of Rome who were Croatian Ustashis - Monasteries and Nunneries invaded - The Catholic American grand conspiracy - The man who escaped from Yugoslavia with the first documentation of the Croatian atrocities. |
The Croatian Holocaust - Invention or Reality? The Ambassador and the Cardinal - The Archbishop of Canterbury's fit of temper The English Cardinal who kept his silence - An Embassy buys 2000 copies of the book - Distributions to the House of Lords and Commons - The launching of a book in Northern Ireland - The Archbishop of Canterbury's unecumenical fit of temper - The Londoner who defied him. |
The Ambassador and the Pope's Nuncio in a Red Embassy, a Vatican victory The Ambassador changes his mind - No more books about the Croatian Holocaust - Communist amnesty for all Croatian criminals - Communist Yugoslavia makes peace with the Vatican - The Vatican Ambassador in a Communist Embassy; its political meaning - Ustashi settlements abroad. |
Ustashi terrorism after World War II The silent efficiency of Ustashi killing - Dr. Sekulich's experience - The Serbian Convention of Chicago and the Ustashi's shadow - The lecturer who was shot and killed - The speech advocating mutual tolerance between Serbs and Croats, which saved the life of the author - The would-be killer asks for an autograph. |
Forty years after - crime and punishment Effectiveness of the protective legislation of the USA for war criminals - Thirty years of efforts to have a top Ustashi arrested - Artukovic, former Interior Minister of Catholic Croatia, is extradited - He is sentenced to death - Total absence of the religious motivation of the Croatian Holocaust - Distortion of the true nature of his trial - American and world opinion hoodwinked. |
The Virgin Mary and the Secretary of the USA Navy call for World War III Consecration of the World to the Virgin Mary - The Cult of Fatima - Its anti-Russian significance - Catholic volunteers with the Nazi Armies on the Russian Front - USA-Russian atomic race - USA theologians advocate atomic war - The American Secretary of Defense jumps from a 16th floor window - USA Cardinal Spellman and Pope Pius XII support "the morality of a preventive atomic war." - Ante Pavelich and the Ustashi make ready for World War III. |
The Grand Central European plot - the Pope, the Cardinal and CIA The CIA and the Vatican Intelligence unite to carry on a "revolution." - They designate a Cardinal as the future Premier of Hungary - Cardinal Mindszenty's failure - He is imprisoned - He is driven into Budapest by three Hungarian tanks - The CIA and the Vatican are defeated by the Soviet invasion of Hungary - Cardinal Mindszenty as the "twelve year guest" of the American Legation in Hungary - Death of Pius XII - The Secret of Fatima. |
The Malta Inquisition - vote Catholic or be damned Catholic punishing expedition against their opponents - Catholic children as whistling political hooligans - Church bells to silence anti-Catholic speakers - The bells ring THREE SOLID HOURS to silence the Socialists - Father confessors as political advisers - Grilled in the flames of hell if you vote against the Church - Refusal of absolution to exert political pressure - Voters terrorized by vigilante padres - "Vote Catholic or be damned." |
Vietnam - the Croatia of Asia The religious origins of the Vietnamese conflict - Buddhists protest against a Catholic dictatorship - The Catholic Trio of a President, an Archbishop and a Security Chief - Catholic discrimination against Buddhists - Buddha's birthday forbidden - The first 16,000 American "advisers." - President Kennedy cold-shoulders Catholic Diem - Consents to Diem "assassination." The Catholic Church "loses" the war for the USA - Collapse of the USA Anti-communist front caused by Catholic intransigence. |
Where will be the next Inquisition? |
For more info on the Holocaust see U.S. News and World Report.
Croatian war criminal arrested in Argentina
Pope to "Beatify" Archbishop Stepinac
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