Americana Equals Pax Romana!! |
In this exposé,
we use Americana for the Rome controlled "U.S." and Cabotia
for the Protestant U.S.
Last updated on
May 6, 2004.

Pope John Paul II and President Bush at the Vatican.
John Paul II urges President Bush to hurry up and fulfill Fatima before
he dies, during a strategy session at the Vatican on July 23, 2001.
Just 50 days later the WTC was bombed giving the Pentagon the excuse
to surround Russia with military bases. The
United States of Cabotia that we all knew and loved has been taken
over by an alien force....This alien force is called the Society
of Jesuits—the Gestapo of the Vatican. They will do ANYTHING
to bring our beloved land under the iron heel of Rome.

Ignatius LIEola
(1491-1556). Co-founder of the Jesuits.
alien force was founded by Ignatius LIEola on August 15, 1534, to
fight the Glorious Reformation of Saint Martin Luther which began
on Oct. 31, 1517, with the posting of the 95 Theses on the congregation
door at Wittenberg, Germany.
Until their suppression
by all the Roman Catholic monarchs beginning in 1750, they were
responsible for the Thirty Years' War, the Spanish Armada, the St.
Bartholomew's Day Massacre in France, etc., etc.
were so wicked and corrupt that even the devil himself became ashamed
of them and they were finally banned from every Catholic country
in Europe including Japan and China. They were finally and permanently
outlawed by the Pope himself in 1773.
Clement XIV banned the Jesuit Order by a perpetual decree!!

Pope Clement XIV (1769-1774).
A victim of the cantrella
of Borgia!!
July 21, 1773, this "infallible" Pope banned the Jesuit
order by a perpetual decree never to be rescinded. It cost him his
life as he was given the cup of Borgia shortly thereafter and died
a horrible lingering death.
"And to this end
a member of the regular clergy, recommendable for this prudence
and sound morals, shall be chosen to preside over and govern the
said houses; so that the name of the Company shall be, and is, for
ever extinguished and suppressed" (Portion of Bull of Suppression
of Pope Clement XIV).
As soon as the Bull
was issued, all the Roman Catholic sovereigns of Europe put it into effect.
In Spain and Portugal they loaded the Jesuits on ships and sent them to
Italy. Italy however did not want them:
obeyed Ricci's injunction to the letter. When after some days' sailing
the first vessels arrived before Civita Vecchia, they were received
by cannon shot. The poor Jesuits, who thought they were near the end
of their sufferings, and had smiled at the sight of the promised land,
were furious when they saw themselves rejected from a country in which
they knew that their General had the utmost influence, and loudly accused
him of being the author of all their miseries. The Spanish commander,
not wishing to employ violence, and to land by force of arm, coasted
away towards Leghorn and Genoa, but there too they were refused a landing.
A similar fate was reserved for them on their first approach to Corsica;
and only after having been for six long months at the mercy of the winds
and waves, were those unfortunate monks, decimated by illness, fatigue,
and old age, permitted to disembark in Corsica, lately ceded by Genoa
to France, and where Paoli at that same moment had begun to fight for
independence." (G. B. Nicolini, History of the Jesuits,
p. 358).
Nobody wanted these
sons of LIEola in their territory and they finally found a refuge on CORSICA:
Louis XV was the driving force behind the Jesuit ban!!
Louis XV was the driving force behind the banning of the Jesuits. He knew
that they were the instigators of the 7 Years' War (1756-1763) or the
first world war.

King Louis
1710 to 1774.
King of France from 1715 to 1774.
7 Years' War cost France her colonies in the New
World and in India.
The king and
his ministers insisted that the Pope ban them perpetually.
Pope Clement
XIV was very, very reluctant to do so as he knew that the move would
cost him his life. The Pope relented however and the Jesuits were
perpetually banned in 1763.
It is not a coincidence that Pope and king died
the following year.
Only one more
Bourbon king reigned over France and he was executed during the
French Revolution in 1793.
Bonaparte was born on the island of Corsica!!
The world
was told that Carlo Maria Buonaparte was the father of Napoleon. He could
not possible be the REAL father. The Jesuits were famous or rather infamous
for seducing the wives of kings and rulers in the confessional. The offspring
of such unions were often passed of as legitimate children.

of Corsica, just south of France, was a haven for the Jesuits.
It just so happens that the man who shook the world for 20 years
was born on Corsica in the year 1769. His name: Napoleon Bonaparte.
The Jesuit "Fathers"
were dumped on the island and many of them had Rasputin like power
over women.
It is almost
a certainty that a Jesuit priest was the "father" of Bonaparte
in more ways than one.
The Jesuits were determined to get their revenge
on the kings of Europe who followed the French lead in banning them.
The Bonaparte
dynasty was greatly used by the Jesuits in the years following the
French Revolution. |
Pius VII removed the perpetual ban of his predecessor!!

Pope Pius VII (1800-1823).
1814, this "infallible" Pope removed the "perpetual"
ban of his predecessor and restored the Jesuits. In 1801, he signed
a Concordat with Napoleon Bonaparte and crowned him Emperor of France
in 1804. "On
Sunday, the 7th of August 1814, Pius VII, went in state to the church
of the Gesù, celebrating himself the mass before the altar
consecrated to Loyola; heard a second mass, immediately after which
he caused to be read and promulgated the bull by which the Society
of Jesus was re-established according to the ancient rules"
(J. B. Nicolini, History of the Jesuits, p. 439).

Pius VII crowing Napoleon Emperor of France.

III, Emperor of France (1852-1870).
This man was Emperor
of France during the U.S. Civil War. He was the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte
and was the main prop of the Pope's temporal power. He had 5,000 soldiers
garrisoning the Papal States. With the fall of the Papal States in 1870,
the Jesuits told their slaves to emigrate to the U.S. and take over this
great Republic in order to restore the fallen Papal kingdom in Italy.
the Alien Force took over the U.S. Government!!

William McKinley
President from1897-1901.
William McKinley (another great Scot) and a Civil War hero was the
last really genuine Christian and Rome-free President. He was assassinated
by a Jesuit assassin named Leon Czolgosz on Sept. 6, 1901.
The President's Vice-President
was HARVARD "educated" WAR HERO Teddy Roosevelt.
Teddy Roosevelt became
President and completely reversed all the policies of his predecessor.
He paved
the way for Rockefeller to establish the "Federal" Reserve
Bank thus making the Great Depression possible in 1929.
Roosevelt paved the way for the founding of the "Federal" Reserve

Theodore Roosevelt.
President from 1901-1909.
"educated" Teddy Roosevelt became President when our beloved
President William McKinley was assassinated.
Roosevelt was the nephew
of notorious rebel James D. Bulloch, rebel spy master to Great Britain
and commerce raider shipbuilder in Liverpool, England.
Rough Rider Roosevelt
became a war hero in the Spanish-American War when he charged up
San Juan Hill with guns blazing.
His father wasn't so
gung-ho during the Civil War because he paid $200.00 for a substitute
to fight for him.
opened the way to the White House for Roosevelt as a war hero!!
"Uncle Jimmy"

spy master James D. Bulloch
was an uncle of Theodore Roosevelt and a notorious rebel. Only Robert
E. Lee did more for the rebel cause. Before the war, he was an officer
in the U.S. Navy and that is where he received all his shipbuilding
He was Confederate spy
master to Great Britain and the father of the CIA. He was responsible
for building commerce raiders in Liverpool, England, to prey on
Union shipping.
was no pardon for his war crimes and he feared to ever return to
the U.S. He died in Liverpool, England in 1901.
A Bonaparte
to head up the FBI—"Federal" Bureau of Inquisition!!

Joseph Bonaparte, Attorney General from 1906 to 1909.
Bonaparte. . . .to destroy the Cabotian Republic....This man was the
grand nephew of the Emperor and attorney General under Roosevelt from
1906 to 1909.
He founded the Bureau
of Inquisition which later became know as the "Federal"
Bureau of Inquisition or the FBI. He also founded an organization
called the American Protective League which spied on patriotic people
who exposed Rome's activities. People confused it with the patriotic
U.S. Protective Association or the APA.
served a second term and swore that he would not run for the Presidency
a third time. He was succeeded by his Vice-President William Howard
Taft refused to charter a Bank and he was defeated by Roosevelt

William Howard
from 1909 to 1913.
Taft refused to go along with the unconstitutional imperial Presidency
of his predecessor so Roosevelt decided to have him removed.
Here is how he pulled
it off. Roosevelt broke his promise never to seek a third term to
the Presidency. He ran under the Progressive Party or the Bull Moose
Party. Of course this is the old Roman battle tactic of divide and
conquer your enemy.
He split
the Republican vote and gave the election to Rockefeller stooge
Woodrow Wilson. Wilson was a Democrat.
Rome's tactics of divide
and conquer!!
Results of 1912
Wilson (D) |
6,300,000 |
43 |
435 |
Roosevelt (P) |
4,100,000 |
27 |
88 |
Taft (R) |
3,500,000 |
23 |
2 |
Others |
1,100,000 |
7 |
0 |
Wilson was a tool of Rockefeller to establish the "Federal"
Reserve Bank!!

Woodrow Wilson.
President from (1913-1921).
Professor Woodrow Wilson was a real tool of the Jesuits. In Oct. 1913,
he signed the Income Tax Amendment into law. This tax was an exact
duplicate of the Pope's tax on his slaves during the darkest time
of the Dark Ages: "In
1166 indulgence was conceded to those contributing to a tax imposed
by Henry II in his dominions in response to a papal appeal for aid
in behalf of the Holy Land. The tax was two pence from each pound
of the payer's revenues and from each pound's worth of his personal
property for one year, and one penny there from for each of the
four succeeding years. Henry's instructions to his French subjects
arranged for chests with three locks, of which the priest and two
parishioners should have the keys, to be located in every parish
church. Each contributor was to compute his liability under oath
and deposit the resulting sum in the chest. Whoever observed his
oath scrupulously would be relieved of one-third of his enjoined
penance. For this decree the king had the approval of a council
of barons and bishops, but whether the indulgence was authorized
by the bishops or by the pope does not appear" (Papal Revenues
during the Middle Ages, vol. I, p.115).
Woodrow Wilson signed
the Federal Reserve Act in 1913
In 1913, by Executive
Order he signed the Federal Reserve Act which placed the finances of the
U.S. in private hands and was modeled on the European Banking System.
In 1917, he got the U.S. involved in WW I.
The private Federal
Reserve Bank gained control of the entire U.S. economy and paved the way
for the Great Depression in 1929 which enabled FDR to seize power in the
U.S. and Hitler in Germany.
Lunt, William E.,
Papal Revenues in the Middle Ages, in 2 volumes, Columbia University
Press, 1934. Republished in 1962 by Octagon Books, NY, NY. (Translated
from Latin and based on documents from the secret archives of the Vatican
which were opened in 1881).
Macartney, Clarence
Edward. The Bonapartes in America. Dorrance & Co., Philadelphia,
Nicolini, J. B., History
of the Jesuits: Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs, London,
Smith, W.H.C. The
Bonapartes : the History of a Dynasty, Palgrave Macmillan, New York,
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