It's a Young World After All!!
Chronology is a branch of History. As such it is governed by the Laws which determine the validity of the results reached by the process of scientific investigation and historical inquiry. It is also a branch of Applied Mathematics, and Mathematics (unlike the fantasy of evolution) is an Exact Science. The earth is thousands . . . not billions or even millions of years old. All of the major events in the Old Testament are dated, as a matter of fact, the first 11 chapters of Genesis are mostly Genealogy and Chronology: Leading Bible Dates from the Old Testament
The above chart is taken for the book Chronology of the Old Testament © 1913 by Rev. Martin Antsey M.A. It differs from all other chronologies in that the dates are based on Scripture alone. It might be 1 or 2 years off - not millions like the evolutionists!! And so we have a complete count of the years from the first Adam to the Last Adam - the Lord Jesus Christ. From the beginning of time to the fullness of time. From Creation to Redemption. To find out the age of the world from this point is very simple: Determining the age of the world
According to the Bible chronology, the world was 6000 years old about 1958. We are living in an extraordinary period of 40 years since then. . . . The most stupendous event to occur about 40 years after the death and Resurrection of Christ was the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman armies in 70 A.D. This event is spoken of by Jesus as synonymous with the end of the world. The Jewish nation was completely destroyed by General Titus. The 40 year period prior to this was one of wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, false teachers etc., etc. Christianity was carried to the ends of the known world by the disciples of Jesus prior to this event. Heeding the words of Christ, all His disciples fled the doomed apostate city before the siege began, and not one perished in its overthrow:
The Western or Wailing Wall is all that is left of the Roman Fortress Antonia. The last forty years are almost a exact duplicate of the years prior to the destruction of Jerusalem: Highlights of events during the past 40 years
Ancient Egypt laughs at the idea of a Stone Age. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the 7 wonders of the world and the oldest building. Ancient man was a great builder, and was much smarter than people today. The Egyptian hieroglyphic writings could not be deciphered until the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799!! No date whatsoever is given for the birth of Jesus. Salvation was a man-sized job - not a work for the little baby Jesus that we see in the crib at Christmas time. Our present calendar is based on the birth of Christ. Its inventor, or contriver, was a Roman monk named Dionysius Exiguus (532 A.D.) At that time the system of dates in common use began from the era of the Emperor Diocletian (284 A.D.). Instead of making the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar the year 1 of the Christian Era, he decided to begin at the birth of Christ. Before the end of the world, Satan will once again encompass and attack the true believers - the spiritual temple - the Beloved City, New Jerusalem. It will be the Last Great Inquisition: