October Surprise or the Pope's Calendar is Useless!!The calendar in use on the Continent of Europe during the Dark Ages was called the Julian Calendar. It was named after that infamous dictator Julius Caesar. The new year began in January. Why anyone would begin the year during the coldest gloomiest part of the year when the hours of daylight are shortest and darkness is greater than sunlight is beyond comprehension. The Romans were very familiar with the Hebrew Calendar so they could not use ignorance as an excuse. God gave Moses a perfect calendar when he led the people out of Egypt. It was based on personal observation. The new year began at the new moon just after the Spring equinox:
Again, springtime is the perfect time for new beginnings both astronomically and terrestrially. For 1500 years the true descendants of Abraham began their year at the new moon following the spring equinox and the great feast of the Passover fell 14 days later at the time of the Full Moon. The Calendar that the Great St. Patrick gave the Scots was based on the Hebrew Calendar. The pagan Druids had a new year which began in the fall and was linked to the demonic festival of Samhain or Halloween. This was just another accouterment of paganism which he overthrew. Papal Rome adopted the Calendar of her predecessor and mentor Pagan Rome. She viciously attacked the Hibernians and their calendar. She insisted on controlling the Calendar and told the Scots to stop looking at the Heavens and adopt her corrupt computation. The results were to be expected. By the year 1582 the Julian Calendar was off by 11 days. Pope Gregory XIII (15721585). This notorious persecutor of Christians was responsible for the infamous St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in 1572. Rome's calendar was off by 11 days. So they decided to subtract the extra days. Thus October 4th, 1582, actually became October 15, 1582. This is the calendar that we use today in the Western world. The Greeks and Russians still use the old Julian calendar. That is why they have a different date for Easter even though it is not at the time of the Full Moon. October surprise!!
The MONTH of October is MASSACRED!!
This is October after the Pope stole 11 days from the month. God's New Year begins in the Springtime at the new moon following the Equinox. Next year it falls on March 25. Happy New Year!! Everybody should still sing "Auld Lange Syne" because it is Scottish. Editor's Notes For 1,500 years prior to Christ the Jews began their new year in the Springtime and the Passover was at the time of the full moon. It was second nature to them . . . almost like breathing . . . Selah. That mighty race disappeared from history after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Most of the smart ones converted to the Messiah and the rest were exterminated by the Roman wild beast. The people who call themselves "Jew's" today have no connection with that chosen people. Their new year begins in the fall and this year they "celebrated" Passover on April 20. |