the first Pope!!
Last updated Nov. 20, 2002. Caesar is Pope!!
Pope Constantine was born Flavius Valerius Constantinus at Nis on Feb. 27, 280, in what is now Serbia, son of the commander Constantius Chlorus (later Constantius I) and Helena a camp follower and Balkan barmaid. Constantius became co-emperor in 305. Following the example of his father and earlier 3rd-century emperors, Constantine in his early life was a solar henotheist, believing that the Roman sun god, Sol, was the visible manifestation of an invisible "Highest God" (summus deus), who was the principle behind the universe. This god was thought to be the companion of the Roman emperors. Constantine's adherence to this faith is evident from his claim of having had a vision of the sun god in 310 while in a grove of Apollo in Gaul. As a youth Constantine was sent to the palace of the infamous Roman Emperor Diocletian to learn the tricks of the trade as they say. At that time Christianity was growing by leaps and bounds throughout the Empire. The Christians were outstanding citizens but the Emperors saw them as a threat to the empire for ONE reason: they refused to acknowledge the divinity of the Emperors or call Caesar "lord." During the early days of Rome the people hated kings. Rome was a Republic. This human divinity idea came from the Pharaohs. Egyptian rulers were considered gods by their subjects and when Julius Caesar conquered Egypt he brought this idea back to Rome. Emperor Diocletian (245 — 313). Beginning in the year 303, the pagan Roman Empire made one last great attempt to exterminate Christianity. This persecution, under the Emperor Diocletian, began on the 23rd of February (303 A.D.), that being the day the Roman Terminalia was celebrated, and the cruel pagans boasted that they would finally put a termination to Christianity Diocletian began by sacrificing to the pagan gods to make his war against the Christians a success:
The local demons having failed him, Diocletian then consulted the most powerful shrine of augury and divination in the world. This was the Oracle of Apollo in Delphi, Greece. His priests brought him back more bad news: it quit working too....This caused him to fly into an uncontrollable rage and he ordered the holocaust to commence immediately: Monument to the power of the Risen Christ!! Oracle of Apollo in Delphi, Greece, quit working after the Resurrection of Christ. Apollo was another name for Sol Invictus or the sun god. Fire, racks, swords, wild beasts, crosses, poison and famine were made use of to kill the Christians. Invention was exhausted to devise tortures against those who would not deny Christ and acknowledge Caesar as "lord" and burn incense to his image. The lives of Christians during that time consisted of persecution above ground and prayer underground. This is know in history as the era of the martyrs. The main target of the pagans was the New Testament . . . and the histories of Christ. All of the great books portraying the Mount of Olives as the site of the Resurrection were systematically destroyed. Even the books written by pagan authors were destroyed because they would reveal a lot about the doctrines and practices of the Apostolic church. There were millions of Christians and many of them had copies of the New Testament. Only about 5,000 manuscripts have survived from that time and the oldest is dated around 350 A.D.
By being "faithful unto death" Christians were defeating paganism in the Roman Empire. From 303 — 313, Christian bodies and books were systematically destroyed during this last great pagan persecution. Eusebius tells us that there were innumerable histories of the Life of Christ and the early church. Only one account survived this persecution. If any had survived we would have known exactly when Jesus was born.
Rome was systematically destroying Christian history so that the next generation of believers would have no idea what their parents believed. Jesus said that the Christians were the salt of the earth and the light of the world: With the removal of the salt and light through persecution, the world became a very dark place. This is what St. Paul was referring to when he refers to the let or hindrance that was holding back the manifestation of the Antichrist system:
Even Eusebius was imprisoned and it is a miracle that any of his writings have survived. His close friend and mentor Pamphilus was martyred during this time. This persecution lasted 10 years and was ended by the victory of Constantine, and his Edict of Milan (313 A.D.). Pope Constantine fought against Scots and Picts in Britain.Constantine joined his father in making war on the Scots and Picts in Northern Britain. Since the days of Agricola, Rome never gave up her ambition of making slaves of those freedom loving people. When his father died in 306, Constantine was proclaimed Emperor by his soldiers at York. It was a long way from the Highlands to the Tiber and Constantine knew that old Sol Invictus was not as invincible as in former days. He was always on the lookout for new "gods" that would help him to achieve his burning ambition of ruling the world. It was then that his so-called conversion to Christianity came about. In 312, on the eve of a crucial battle against Maxentius, his rival in Italy, Constantine is reported to have dreamed that Christ appeared to him and told him to inscribe the first two letters of his name (XP in Greek) on the shields of his troops. The next day he is said to have seen a cross superimposed on the sun and the words "in this sign you will be the victor" (usually given in Latin, in hoc signo vinces).
Labarum of Constantine which he affixed to the shields of his soldiers. Constantine then defeated Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, near Rome. The Senate hailed the victor as savior of the Roman people. Thus, Constantine, who had been a pagan solar worshiper, now looked upon the Christian deity as a bringer of victory. Persecution of the Christians was ended, and Constantine's co-emperor, Licinius, joined him in issuing the Edict of Milan (313), which mandated toleration of Christians in the Roman Empire. As guardian of Constantine's favored religion, the church was then given legal rights and large financial donations. This ended the first stage of the Roman war on the saints and commenced the second. Pope Constantine changed the PLACE of the Resurrection of Christ!! Constantine knew from experience that the great power of the Christian message came from the preaching of the Resurrection of Christ. Immediately upon assuming the purple, he set about to insidiously undermine and then eliminate this cardinal doctrine. For 300 years the Christians were accustomed to visit the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and they came back filled with zeal for their Risen Lord. They also saw the total ruins of the Temple in exact fulfillment of the words of Jesus. This made them invincible to all the threats and arguments of the pagans. Constantine set about to change this:
The Resurrection of Christ is the great central Doctrine of Christianity. It is the ROCK and pillar that support the entire structure. St. Paul said:
And again:
In the year 326, Constantine sent his mother Helena to Jerusalem to discover the spot that he had foreseen as the place of Jesus' Resurrection. This was the site of the temple of Venus on the West side of Jerusalem. He ordered the temple torn down and a church constructed on the site. This is called the church of the Holy Sepulchre to this day. Church of the Holy Sepulchre, former site of the Temple of Venus. This is the WRONG spot because it was located within the city of Jerusalem and Jesus died outside the city walls. Pope Constantine changed the TIME of the Resurrection of the Lord!!In 325, he presided over the Council of Nicaea which changed the time of the Lord's Resurrection to the Sunday following the Passover. This was to coincide with the old Roman festival of Easter which usually fell about a week after Passover when the moon rose after midnight. Pope Constantine changed the TIME of our Saviour's birth to Dec. 25.Town of Bethlehem where Jesus was born in the Springtime. Another great destination for the Christians was the town of Bethlehem where Jesus was born:
Since ALL the books on the correct time of Jesus' birth were destroyed, Constantine was able to pull this off. Dec. 25 was the BIG day for the pagans. It was the Winter Solstice and was named Dies Natalis Invicti or The Birthday of the Unconquered SUN. Dec. 25, feast of Dies Natalis Invicti was the biggest day of the year for the sun worshiping pagans. There are no solar holidays in the Bible. All the holidays are lunar or based on the MOON....Jesus was probably born in the Springtime around the time of the Passover. In the ancient world, pilgrims would never travel to Bethlehem during the Winter. If He was born around the Passover season the Christians could celebrate His birth and Resurrection at the same time. So don't bother trying to keep Christ in Christmas....He was NEVER in it to begin with!! Pope Constantine united Church and State.After changing the TIME and PLACE of the birth and Resurrection, the third strike of Satan against the Gospel was the marrying of this false Christianity with the State. He made Christianity the State religion or united church and state. This was the last straw — marrying the pure bride of Christ with the dirty politics of the Roman Empire. Jesus had said long ago to another representative of pagan Rome named Pontius Pilate:
Constantine knew plenty about fighting. He was a rough-neck Roman soldier all his life!! Pope Constantine entered the church though baptism.Prior to this time, a person entered the church through conversion or the new birth. Baptism followed salvation. Constantine waited until just before his death to be baptized because he believed that baptism washes away sins and makes one a Christian. To this very day, all his followers have used that same door:
In the 30 years that Constantine reigned, the Roman Catholic system was fully developed. The 2 big festivals: Christmas and Easter with entry through baptism instead of the new birth, union of church and state, and the false time and place of the Lord's birth and Resurrection have continued right down to our time. The Great historian Eusebius hit the nail right on the head. He said in coded language that only the believers could understand that this empire of Constantine was the culmination of the 4 heathen Empires of antiquity namely, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome and that it was the FINAL ANSWER of Satan to the Gospel of Christ and it would remain unchanged until Christ's Second Coming!! Writing of the 30th anniversary of the ascension of Constantine he pays particular attention to the number 10 and the number 30:
Eusebius associated the number 30 with the MONTH having 30 days and the MOON was created to rule the MONTH and the NIGHT. So this empire of Constantine had much to do with darkness and the NIGHT:
What Eusebius was telling the initiated who knew the Scriptures was that 1 plus 2, plus 3, plus 4 equals 10. In other words, right before their eyes, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome were culminating in this Empire of Constantine which would exist until the Second Coming of Christ!!
And that Constantine's Empire was not the Empire of Christ . . . but was the 10 toed, 10 horned evil empire of the book of Daniel and Revelation. This was the beginning of the evil Empire that John saw in a vision over 200 years earlier:
This was the same ten horns that Daniel saw upon the Roman wild beast over 500 years earlier:
The number 10 also stands for apostasy, division, wars and captivity. Shortly after King Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem, he became involved in Baal worship or sun worship and he lost 10 tribes out of the 12 tribes of Israel: Jeroboam was no better than Solomon because he set up 2 golden calves: one at Dan in the north and another at Bethel in the south in order to keep the people from going to Jerusalem to worship:
Dan and Bethel became the 2 new rival centers to Jerusalem. In the Old Testament Dan and Bethel became the 2 new rival worship centers to Jerusalem answering to Rome and Constantinople in the New Testament times. These are the so-called 10 lost tribes of Israel who went into captivity in Assyria about 250 years later. Only the tribe of Benjamin remained with Judah. Pope Constantine pushed Jerusalem out of the loop.Pope Constantine set up a new Capital about 1,000 miles to the east. This is called the "Orthodox" church to this day. Thus Rome and Constantinople became 2 new rival "church" headquarters in opposition to Jerusalem. Rome and Constantinople became the 2 new "church" headquarters instead of Jerusalem. When Constantinople fell to the Turks (1453) the Orthodox church moved to Russia and the bitter competition continues right down to our own day with the Vatican enlisting the help of the U.S. military to fight her ancient rival. That is what Fatima is all about. About 150 years after Pope Constantine, the western part of the Empire went into captivity to the Gothic barbarians and the world entered the long dark night of the DARK AGES with only ended with the Glorious Reformation about 1260 years later!! The Vatican against the Orthodox Church by Avro Manhattan Editor's Notes In the Old Testament, Satan's religion was called BAAL worship or sun worship. Baal was just another name for Satan himself or his top deputy. He was the main opponent of Moses when he led the chosen people out of Egyptian bondage. BAAL fought against Joshua when he tried to bring the chosen people into the promised land. Baal fought against Samson, Gideon, Deborah, David, Jehoshaphat, Elijah, Ezra, Nehemiah, and ALL the Old Testament saints. BAAL was totally defeated by the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives in 33 A.D., but he refused to admit defeat and moved to Rome to carry on the battle against God's New Testament chosen people — the TRUE Christians. We will now meet 3 key people that Satan used to establish his religion at Rome in order to destroy true Christianity. The first one was a depraved high priest of the temple of Baal in Syria named Elagabalus. He was made Emperor of Rome while a boy of 14. Emperor Elagabalus (218—222) Elagabalus was high priest of Baal in Syria and later became Roman Emperor. He established the cult of Sol Invictus Elagabal in Rome. He was a depraved monster even by Roman standards and was finally murdered by his troops. The second person in this demonic trinity was Emperor Aurelian.
Emperor Aurelian (270—275) Emperor Aurelian considered Sol Invictus Elagabal too foreign or Eastern for Roman tastes and so he Romanized it by dropping the Elagabal. He established a college of high priests which later evolved into the Roman College of Cardinals which elects every pope. He made Sol Invictus the state religion of the Roman Empire. He was also murdered by his soldiers. Pope Constantine is the last in our unholy trinity. He united this pagan Sol Invictus cult with Christianity or what was left of Christianity after the last great pagan persecution. Pope Constantine I (306—337)
The great church historian Eusebius called this guy the COUNTERFEIT COIN. Dies Natalis Invicti or the birthday of the Unconquered Sun was the BIG day for this cult. Constantine called this day (Dec. 25) the birthday of Christ. None of these 3 devils lived to a ripe old age and Constantine died at age 57 most probably from the effects of poison. Some of the works of the great church historian Eusebius are available online at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Go to the site and do a word search. You will not find Preparation for the Gospel or Proof of the Gospel there. In those books, written before Pope Constantine, Eusebius used the titles: Jesus, Lord Jesus and the Lord Jesus Christ frequently. After the ascension of Pope Constantine however you will not find the Name JESUS any more. He used titles like God, Sovereign, Most High, etc., etc. which could be used by pagans to refer to their gods. Eusebius knew that the real Jesus was excluded from this 10 toed evil Empire of Constantine. References Alföldi, Andreas (Andrew). The Conversion of Constantine and Pagan Rome. Oxford, 1948 and 1969. Eusebius Pamphili, (260 340), Preparation for the Gospel, Proof of the Gospel, Ecclesiastical History, Life of Constantine, Oration to Constantine, etc., etc. Grand Rapids, Baker Book House, 1981. Baynes, Norman, H., Constantine the Great and the Christian Church, London, 1934. Burckhardt, Jacob, The Age of Constantine the Great, Pantheon Books Inc., New York, 1949. Halsberghe, Gaston, H., The Cult of Sol Invictus, E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, 1972. Kee, Alistair, Constantine Versus Christ: The Triumph of Ideology, SCM Press, London, 1982. Martin, E. L. Secrets of Golgatha, ASK Publications, Portland, Oregon, 2000. MacMullen, Ramsey, Constantine, The Dial Press, New York, 1969. |