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Saint Martin Luther and Usury!!

Just in time for Reformation Day on Oct. 31.
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In his sermon on usury, the GREAT Martin Luther said this about a zinkskauf or a new form of usury introduced into Germany about 1415 or 100 years before the Reformation:

"That can never be right, for by that means one sucks up the other's blood and sweat. It is no wonder that in these few years that the zinskauff has been in operation, say about a hundred years, all principalities and lands have been impoverished and mortgaged and ruined." "No wonder that the zinss contractors quickly become richer than other people. The others keep their money tied up in business and hence subject to both kinds of interest, while the zinss contractors by this little device extricate themselves from the interest of loss and enter into the first interest of profit, where their risk is greatly reduced and their security increased." "The only way of defending this contract against the charge of usury—a way that would accomplish more than all the talk about interesse—would be that the zinss contractor should have the same risk and uncertainty with respect to his zinss as he has with respect to all his other property."

Exactly 100 years before Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on Oct. 31, 1517, John Huss the Bohemian reformer was burned at the stake.

John Huss (1380-1415).

John Huss, a Catholic priest and professor at the university of Prague was burned at the stake for preaching the Gospel of Christ.


Burning of John Huss on July 6, 1415.

John Huss was burned at the stake for preaching the Gospel of Christ. Before he was burned he said this to his executioners:"You are now going to burn a goose, (the name of Huss signifying goose in the Bohemian language), but in a century you will have a swan whom you can neither roast nor boil."

Saint Martin Luther was the swan who came exactly 100 years later!!

Martin Luther (1483-1546).

Martin Luther, a Catholic priest like John Huss, posted his 95 Theses exactly 100 years after the death of John Huss.


The night before Luther posted his famous 95 Theses, the Elector Frederich the Wise had a strange dream which he related the next morning:

"Then I dreamed that all the princes of the Empire, and we among them, hastened to Rome, and strove, one after another, to break the pen; but the more we tried the stiffer it became, sounding as if it had been made of iron. We at length desisted. I then asked the monk (for I was sometimes at Rome, and sometimes at Wittenberg) where he got this pen, and why it was so strong. ‘The pen,’ replied he, ‘belonged to an old goose of Bohemia, a hundred years old. I got it from one of my old schoolmasters. As to its strength, it is owing to the impossibility of depriving it of its pith or marrow; and I am quite astonished at it myself.’ Suddenly I heard a loud noise — a large number of other pens had sprung out of the long pen of the monk. I awoke a third time: it was daylight" (The Elector Frederick's Dream).

The "Bank" of Rome introduced usury on a massive scale into Germany 100 years before the Reformation.

After the death of John Huss, Satan knew that God planned to launch the Reformation in 100 years and Germany was to be the blessed land chosen for this great event. He moved to forestall and destory God's plans.

Legions of monks and bankers swarmed into Germany. Among them were thousands of fake "Jews" to do the money lending. A new form of usury was invented called zinskauf. This involved a contract whereby the produce of the land was sold at interest or a kind of futures trading.The end result was to concentrate all the wealth in the hands of a few people . . . just like today:

"As the Church gradually acquired a disproportionate share of the wealth of Europe, not only in lands but in money, it became more oftener a lender of money than a borrower and it had little difficulty in evading the prohibition of usury in the profitable employment of its capital. It would make loans to a needy noble on the security of his lands, taking a so-called census or ground-rent of one mark for every ten or twelve or fourteen paid down, the borrower being at any time entitled to pay off the debt, while the lender renounced the right to call it in. These arrangements were especially common in Germany, where they acquired the name of contractus Germanici. They were plainly usurious according to all the definitions of usury, but, when, about 1425, some nobles of Silesia endeavored to repudiate their obligations on that score, the clergy of Breslau appealed to Pope Martin V, representing that such contracts had been customary for a time beyond the memory of man, and that the funds of the churches and canonries were largely invested in them: more than two thousand altars being thus employed. Pope Martin lent a favourable ear to the appeal and pronounced such contracts lawful and liable to enforcement if contested. In 1455 a similar appeal from the Bishop of Merseburg came to Calixtus III, and met the same favourable response" (H. C. Lea, Ecclesiastical Treatment of Usury).

Pope Martin V (1368-1431).

Pope Martin V, (Pope from 1417-1431) issued a Bull in 1425 sanctioning the zinss contract or zinskauf


Pope Martin V issued a papal Bull authorizing the zinskauf or ground-rent scam. This was just a very cleverly disguised usury which in 100 years concentrated all the wealth into the hands of a few people.

That was the state of Germany when Martin Luther began the Reformation. Of course he had to contend with Rome's bankers and fake "Jews" who actually tried to convert him to "Judaism."

The printing press was God's secret weapon to defeat the "Bank" of Rome.


!00 years after the martyrdom of John Huss, the "Bank" of Rome had a financial stranglehold on Germany and ALL of Europe.

God's secret weapon to break this iron grip was the printing press. The little town of Wittenberg became the literal printing capital of the world as Luther produced an astonishing amount of Bibles, books and pamphlets.

Considering the fact that all writing, typesetting, printing, and binding was done by hand this truly was a miraculous, supernatural accomplishment.


Saint Martin Luther was an ARMY OF ONE at Wittenberg!!

The Great Martin Luther was an army of ONE at Wittenberg: Bible translator, reformer, professor, author, printer, publisher, theologian, musician, songwriter, prayer-warrior, preacher, pastor and last but not least loving husband and father of 4 children....His Complete Works number over 100 volumes!!




Gillette, E.H., The Life & Times of John Hus, in 2 volumes, Gould & Lincoln, Boston, 1963.

Hartsough, Mildred, (Translator) Jacob Fugger the Rich, Merchant & Banker of Augsburg (1429 -1525), The Adelphi Co., New York, 1931.

Lea, H.C., The Ecclesiastical Treatment of Usury, Yale Law Review, Feb., 1894.

Luther's Works, Volume 45, Edited by Jaroslav Pelikan, Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO, 1955

Schaff, David, S., John Hus: His Life,Teachings & Death after 500 Years, Charles Scribner's Son, New York, 1915.

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