Lion of the North

Click to enlarge.
Swedes, and Scots save Germany for the Reformation during the 30
Years' War (1618 -1648). |
Gustavus of Sweden—the Lion of the North

King Gustavus
of Sweden (1594 -1632).

King Gustavus
addressing the Swedish Parliament.
Gustavus had a presentment that he would not return from the battle with
the Roman Catholic imperialists. In this picture he is presenting his
5 year old daughter Christiana to the Diet and admonishing them to respect
her as queen in the event that he did not return. His tearful wife looks
on in the background.

The invincible
general leading his men into battle.

King Gustavus
was shot twice in the back by a false "friend" at the
Battle of Lutzen in 1632.
Gustavus was shot twice in the back by a false brother, Franz Albert,
Duke of Lauenberg. He was felled from his horse and several imperialists
opened fire and killed him on the ground. He died a martyr for Jesus and
the HERO of the Reformation.
Franz Albert feigned conversion to the Protestant Faith and was warmly
received by the king. He sought for an opportunity to assassinate the
king before the battle but was unsuccessful. During the battle he rode
behind the king and at an opportune moment shot him twice in the back.
Then he rode off to tell Wallenstein of the death of the king.... False
brethren can be very, very dangerous. The enemy WITHIN is far, far more
dangerous than the enemy without.
The 30
Years' War was the most terrible conflict in world history. The war was
instigated by the Jesuits in order to undo the blessed Reformation and
to keep the unholy Roman Empire from disintegrating....The imperialists
gave no quarter. In the sack of Magdeburg
over 30,00 men, woman and children were butchered without mercy.
American Civil War was a bloody conflict but that war only lasted 5 years
and the antagonists did take prisoners. Multiply that conflict by SIX
and you get some idea of what the war was like.
of the conflict
The unholy
Roman empire was a confederation of states that included Austria, Burgundy,
Germany , Lombardy (northern Italy) and parts of France. Its founder was
called Charles the Great or Charlemagne. He was crowned Emperor of this
unholy empire by the Pope on Christmas day in the year 800 A.D.

of the unholy Roman Empire.
powerful confederacy was able to dominate Italy and keep that country
divided. At the time of the 30 Years' War its northern capital was Vienna,
Austria, and its southern capital was Rome.
division gave the Popes the opportunity to form their own states called
the states of the "church" or the patrimony of "St. Peter."
By having their own states and customs, the Popes were able to ship gold
and soldiers in and out of the Vatican without having to answer
to the lawful Italian government.

Click to enlarge
of the Papal States
Peace of Westphalia

Richelieu, Prime Minister of France from 1624 to 1642. |
the war ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, there was nothing
left to fight over....Europe was ruined....France emerged the clear
winner under the leadership of Cardinal Richelieu. The
unholy Empire was greatly weakened when France entered
the conflict.
map of Europe that was drawn after the war has still continued unchanged
unto this very day!!
Richelieu was the founder of the French
Academy. The Cardinal despised Jesuitism and Jesuits and in
1638 he was determined to cast off the yoke of the Papacy and form
an independent Gallican church composed of Huguenots and Catholics.
Because of his opposition to Jesuitism he fell a victim to the "poisoned
cup" at the young age of 57.
God is still looking
for CHAMPIONS like the Lion of the North and Malcolm Graeme, the hero
of the following story:
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short biography of G. A. Henty.
Ruins Classics Illustrated.
by G. A. Henty from PrestonSpeed Publications
Thirty Years' War
The Scottish
Army that served with King Gustavus was called the GREEN BRIGADE after
the Emerald Isle (Hibernia) that was the original home of the Scots!!
Participation in the Thirty Years' War.
the years of glory soon came with the Scottish participation in the
Swedish army of Gustavus Adolphus, who intervened briefly but decisively
on the side of the Protestant cause in the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648.
To the Swedish army, Scotland contributed troops variously estimated
at twenty to forty thousand men, by far the greatest levies of any country
and a substantial percentage of that small country's population. The
Scots morale was raised above that of the common mercenary because of
a feeling of loyalty to the king of Bohemia, whose wife was the daughter
of their own King James VI, and it is said that they were willing to
live on roots and carrots to fight for Protestantism. Thus they were
entrusted with the most perilous tasks, and invariably stood firm.
It seems certain
that Gustavus Adolphus could not have gained his victories without his
Scots. More than sixty of them were made governors of castles and towns
in the conquered provinces of Germany, including Maj. Gen. Sir D. Drummond,
governor of Stettin; Maj. Gen. Sir James Ramsay, governor of Hanau;
and Maj. Gen. W. Legge, governor of Bremen.
In the Thirty Years'
War Scotland contributed, in addition to those above, the following
officers in the service of Sweden:
Field marshals:
Sir Robert Douglas; Hugo Hamilton; Sir Alexander Leslie, governor of
the Baltic provinces; and Sir Patrick Ruthven, governor of Ulm.
Generals: George,
earl of Crawford-Lindsay; James, marquess of Hamilton; Malcolm Hamilton;
Andrew Rutherford, earl of Teviot; and Sir James Spence.
In addition to these
were Lt. Gen. Alexander Forbes, tenth Lord Forbes; Vice Admiral Richard
Clark; at least nine major generals; and forty-one colonels. Special
mention must be made of some. Donald Mackay (Lord Reay) raised the famous
Mackay's Regiment, which fought with much distinction, and Robert Munro,
of Foulis, was a close confidant to the king. William Philip retired
as commander in chief of the Swedish army in 1658. Alexander Erskine
was minister of war to Gustavus Adolphus and represented Sweden at the
conference that resulted in the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) ending the
Thirty Years' War. Robert Douglas began his career as a page to Gustavus
Adolphus and rose to field marshal. His dashing courage at the decisive
Battle of Jankovitch, near Prague in 1645, "was mainly responsible
for the downfall of the Imperialists." His descendant, Gen. Archibald
Douglas, was commander in chief of the Swedish army during World War
Col. John Hepburn
participated in battles all over Germany. His Scots Brigade, with a
drummer sounding the feared "March of the Scots," led the
advance at one of the decisive battles in world history, the Battle
of Breitenfeld, near Leipzig, which opened southern Germany to the Swedes.
Hepburn took possession of Leipzig in September 1631. Munich fell to
him in 1632 when the Scots Brigade, piped in by Mackay's Highlanders,
were the first to enter. Hepburn was made governor of Munich, and his
men, much to the disgust of the Swedes, were entrusted to guard the
person of the king. Despite all of this, when Gustavus quizzed Hepburn
as to why his armour was so splendid and why he was a Roman Catholic,
the insulted Scottish hero at once sheathed his sword and left the Swedish
service for France, where he was immediately made a field marshal.
Field Marshal Alexander
Leslie was largely responsible for Russo-Swedish military cooperation
as Sweden's envoy to Russia. He had also been the Swedish commander
who relieved the besieged town of Stralsund in 1628. On July 18 he forced
his way into the town, and on August 3 the siege was lifted. According
to George A. Sinclair, "All historians, including Carlyle. . .
are agreed... that if the city had fallen, Sweden and Denmark would
have been excluded from further interference in Germany. " Eventually
Leslie succeeded Gustavus Adolphus in command of the Swedish army in
central Europe. "(Bruce, The Mark of the Scots, pp. 159-160)
Duncan A.The Mark of the Scots. Carol Publishing Group, Secaucus,
New Jersey, 1996.
Philip J. Invincible Generals. Indiana University Press, 1992.
Cabe, Joseph. A Candid History of the Jesuits. G.P. Putnam's
Sons, New York. 1913.
Cabe, Joseph. The Iron Cardinal (the Romance of Richelieu).
Eveleigh Nash, London, 1909.
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