Spanish Inquisition "missionaries" putting the Bull of Borgia into effect in the New World!!

Soon after landing on the island of Hispaniola, the Spanish began their relentless search for gold. Every three months, the Indians were forced to surrender a hawk's bell filled with gold dust. In return they were given a copper token stamped with the date. Those who were found without a current token had their hands amputated as an example to others. Others who resisted were fed to the savage Spanish dogs.

All the stolen gold and silver was shipped back to Spain in order to fight the Glorious Reformation of Saint Martin Luther and Saint William Tyndale!!

Siege of Tenochtitlán (Mexico City) by Cortez.

Cortés and the Siege of Tenochtitlán in 1519. The Spanish attacked the Aztec capital with only a few score of men, and massacred thousands in a single day.The celebrated historian W. H. Prescott wrote: "The carnage was horrible. The ground was heaped up with slain, until the maddened combatants were obliged to climb over the human mounds to get at one another. The miry soil was saturated with blood, which ran off like water, and dyed the canals themselves with crimson."