The legend about St. Peter being in Roma was started by Emperor Jesus Constantine when he changed Romulus and Remus to Saints Peter and Paul!
![]() Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls marks the very spot where St. Paul was assumed up into heaven! |
![]() St. Paul was assumed up into heaven! |
The Great Apostle Paul was assumed up into heaven before he was beheaded by order of Emperor Nero.
The 16th century was one of the most momentous in world history. In 1517, the blessed Reformation began with Saint Marin Luther. In 1527, King Henry VIII divorced Roma permanently; the deadly Gunpowder Plot almost succeeded in 1605, and in 1620 the Pilgrim Fathers established Israel in the New World Wilderness!
![]() Pope Paul I (700–767). Pope from 757 to 767. |
![]() Pope Stephen II (714-767). Pope from 752 to 757. |
One of the greatest pious frauds in history happened in 755 when King Pepin of the Franks received an airmail letter from St. Peter, commanding him to expel the Lombards from Italy, and hand over their territory to the pontiffs.
That dire event led to the birth of the Papal States, with the pontiffs no longer subject to the civil power.
![]() Pope Paul III (1468–1549). Pope from 1534 to 1549. |
![]() Pope Paul III "blessing" Ignatius Loyola. |
Pope Paul III's reign was the newly-revived Inquisition on steroids....The "Holy Office" became the terror of Europe, exceeded only by the Spanish Inquisition, whose long tentacles reached all the way to the New World...
![]() Pope Paul IV (1476–1559). Pope from 1555 to 1559. |
![]() "Bloody Mary" Tudor (1516–1558) .Misruled from 1553 to 1558. |
The next pontiff was the infamous Paul V, who blessed Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. November 5 was widely celebrated in British North America as "Pope Day." George Washington banned Pope Day!
![]() Pope Paul V (1550–1621). Pope from May 1605 to 1621. |
![]() Guy Fawkes (1570–1606). |
Had the Gunpowder Plot succeeded, the country would never have reverted to Catholicism, so that left only one other option: ISLAM....Sultana Elizabeth I had prepared the country for that possibility by establishing alliances with the Terrible Turks and the Sultan of Morocco. For Christians, an Islamic regime would have meant beheading . . . instead of burning alive at the stake!
The previous August, Jackie Kennedy met with the then Cardinal Montini and Jesuit general Janssens. That was the very same month that Marilyn Monroe was murdered in Los Angeles.
![]() Jackie and Gianni along the Amalfi Coast in August 1962. |
![]() Paul VI at the Vatican, July 3, 1963. |
The assassination of President Kennedy required the cooperation of the top people in the government, plus the "blessing" of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
![]() This frame of the Zapgruder film shows the President's head exploding. |
![]() The Pink Panther leaped to her feet and Clint Hill joined her in the back seat. |
The British Secret Service planned every facet of the assassination meticulously . . . even Jackie's hairstyle and the color of her dress. But they could not control human nature.
![]() Officer Maurice McDonald (1929–2005). |
![]() The unarmed Oleg was dragged from the theater shouting "police brutality." |
At that point the conspiracy began to unravel because Oleg was still alive and could deny the fact that he killed the President. A "Kosher Nostra" hitman Jack Rubenstein was ordered to silence Oleg because "dead men tell no tales."
Pope Paul VI was the last Paul in the nightmarish Papal dynasty. The best way to rescue Catholics . . . and Muslims . . . from the Babylonian system is to present a true history of the Papal dynasty:
Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity, for it is the time of JEHOVAH's vengeance; he will render unto her a recompense (Jeremiah 51:6).
And I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" (Apocalypse 18:4).
Vital links
Norwich, John Julius. Absolute Monarchs: A History of the Papacy. Random House, New York, 2011.